Assembly Time
3:40 PM on E 48th between 5th & Madison.
Bus Details
The bus is free for DUES PAID members. Bring your 2018 dues card or be prepared to pay. Guests without a dues card will be asked to contribute $25 on the bus. Guests are limited to firefighters in Class A uniform only if space is available.
Pickups will be as follows:
1215 @ Central Islip FD
1230 @ Hauppauge FD
1245 @ Ronkonkoma Train Station (Outside Northside Parking Garage)
1300 Exit 63 Park & ride (Near Applebees)
1320 Exit 53 Park & ride (Near SCCC Campus)
1340 Exit 49 Park & ride (N. Service Road btw 110 & Pinelawn)
1540 Assembly @ E 48th st. between 5th and Madison
As always in the NYC Parade: NO green hats or beads, wear your proper Class A uniform, and make a presentable appearance for the society. Some grandstand tickets are available for friends & family, contact Dan Gallagher if interested.
Any questions, contact Dan Gallagher or Dave Nulty ASAP.